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Concord Repatriation Hospital Medical Negligence Compensation

HELPLINE: 1800 224 077

Negligent Surgery Solicitors

Although most patients at the Concord Repatriation Hospital receive adequate treatment, some do not. If you are among the patients that have received inappropriate care and have suffered personal injury then you may wish to consider a medical negligence compensation claim against the Concord Repatriation Hospital. Should you feel that you have a legitimate claim, our personal injury solicitors who are specialist in the field of medical negligence compensation will represent you in legal action against the Concord Repatriation Hospital on the basis that should you not win there will be no legal fee incurred - no win no fee.

Specialist Solicitors - Free Legal Advice

To begin discussions and to receive free advice as to whether you have a viable medical negligence compensation claim against Concord Repatriation Hospital, one of our expert solicitors will contact you by telephone once you have either called our free helpline, sent the contact form or emailed our offices. At this time, our expert solicitors will not only advise you on liability but will also discuss the potential value of your claim. On initial contact please let us know if you would like to discuss your matter with a lawyer of the same sex. Once you have discussed your potential medical negligence compensation claim with us there is no obligation if you should feel that you do not wish to proceed with matters against the Concord Repatriation Hospital.

Negligent Treatment & The Law

When considering a Concord Repatriation Hospital medical negligence claim there are important legal matters that must be considered. The most important of which is whether the Concord Repatriation Hospital has been negligent. In the absence of an admission of liability this is a matter that will be decided by a court of law. In general whether or not a healthcare professional has been negligent will be based on comparisons to other healthcare professionals to determine whether a specific medical treatment was inappropriate. It should be noted that even if the chosen treatment is not successful it does not necessarily indicate medical negligence even though alternative treatment may have worked provided that a reasonable body of the medical profession would have supported the failed treatment with the over-riding requirement that the alleged negligent treatment was logical.

Compensation Claim Time Limits

Should you be considering a Concord Repatriation Hospital medical negligence compensation claim, you must be aware that there are time limits. Should you wait beyond the limitation period to settle or to begin proceedings in a court of law then you may no longer have the opportunity to present the claim and there will be no financial award for your personal injury (there are exceptions to this general rule for both minors and the mentally disabled). A medical negligence compensation claim against Concord Repatriation Hospital can be a complex matter and it is of the utmost importance that you be advised as soon as possible by a solicitor.

Our medical negligence solicitors are here to help and they offer free advice with absolutely no further obligation. If you instruct us to act on your behalf, representation will be on a no win no fee basis. You will also have the opportunity to work with a male or female lawyer, depending on your preference. Should you believe you have a claim, please don't hesitate to contact us.

HELPLINE: 1800 224 077